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State Accepting Proposals to Invest in Apprenticeships

Maryland Seeks Innovative Ideas for Expanding Registered Apprenticeship Offerings

BALTIMORE (Sept. 6, 2018) - Labor Secretary Kelly M. Schulz today announced that the Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation has received exclusive federal funding from the U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL) to continue its nationally-recognized Apprenticeship Innovation Fund (AIF). The state has committed to putting $648,000 into the innovation fund to incentivize Maryland businesses to create innovative apprenticeship solutions to address workforce challenges.

“The Apprenticeship Innovation Funds empowers recipients to create new apprenticeship programs or expand or diversify existing programs,” said Secretary Schulz. “Apprenticeship is a proven workforce development solution for growing and retaining qualified talent. This additional funding from the U.S. Department of Labor gives Maryland businesses the chance to leverage that solution to upskill their respective workforces, and lets the state invest further in a program that has proven to be extremely successful.”

Due to the Apprenticeship Innovation Fund’s previous success, the level of investment has increased, enabling Maryland businesses, workforce intermediaries, community colleges, Local Workforce Development Areas, unions, and other entities to create even more apprenticeship opportunities to meet their workforce talent pipeline needs.

Further, the AIF award process allows the Department of Labor to strategically align apprenticeships with Maryland’s workforce system, expand existing traditional apprenticeship opportunities, and create new opportunities grounded in labor market demand. During the first round of funding, a total of 15 awards were made. Several recipients utilized funding to create new, non-traditional apprenticeship programs, while others built pre-apprenticeship programs to increase access to apprenticeships for traditionally underserved individuals.

Through this fund and other initiatives, Maryland is heavily investing in the future of the state’s workforce by investing in Registered Apprenticeship.

Since the beginning of the Hogan administration in January 2015, the number of registered apprentices has grown by nearly 20 percent. Today, more than 9,600 apprentices are learning and earning throughout Maryland. In 2017, a total of 15 new Registered Apprenticeship programs were created and seven were re-activated, resulting in a record year for the program.

Entities interested in applying for a competitive Apprenticeship Innovation Fund grant to seed the implementation of new and promising ideas, or to adapt proven strategies so as to expand the reach of Registered Apprenticeship programs in Maryland, please visit the Apprenticeship Innovation Fund Application.

For more information about Maryland apprenticeship opportunities, contact, or call 410-767-2246.

About the Maryland Department of Labor
The Maryland Department of Labor is committed to safeguarding and protecting Marylanders. We're proud to support the economic stability of the state by providing businesses, the workforce, and the consuming public with high-quality, customer-focused regulatory, employment, and training services. For updates and information, follow the Maryland Department of Labor on Twitter (@MD_Labor), Facebook and visit our website.

Theresa Blaner
Director, Communications and Media Relations
410-230-6241 (office)
443-721-8637 (cell)