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Frequently Asked Questions for Employer Bulk Claims Related to Coronavirus (COVID19) - Unemployment Insurance

(This information is updated frequently. Check back for updates.)

1. Who can use Maryland Unemployment Insurance (UI) Bulk Claim Services?
Any employer with 25 or more employees who will be impacted by a coronavirus-related layoff or shutdown may use this service.

2: How will UI Bulk Claim Services benefit my company/business?
UI Bulk Claim Services will eliminate the need for an employer to complete a Request for Separation Notice (DOL/DUI 207) for each employee individually.

3. Who do I contact about the UI Bulk Claim process?
You may contact the Maryland Division of Unemployment Insurance (DUI) via e-mail at, or by calling the employer dedicated phone line at 410-853-1700 between 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

4: What information about my company/business do I need to provide?
You must provide the name of your company/business, the unemployment insurance account number, the address, and a designated company/business contact person’s name, phone number, and e-mail.

5: What information must I provide about my employees?
5: You must provide each employee’s first and last name, social security number, physical last day of work (month, day, and year), gross weekly wage, any gross monies paid to the employee at the time of separation (i.e., severance, vacation, etc.), and a return-to-work date, if applicable.

6: How do I provide the required information to DUI?
6: After contacting the Bulk Claims Service, DUI will send you the Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet “COVID-19 Bulk Claim Employer Layoff List”. Please complete and return the spreadsheet to

7: What will happen once I submit the required information to DUI?
DUI will review all of the information submitted in order to establish and process an unemployment claim for each employee. We will contact the designated contact person if additional information is needed.

8. How long will the process take before my employees receive their unemployment insurance benefits?
DUI will make a determination of eligibility for benefits as expeditiously as possible. However, please note that we are experiencing abnormally high claim volume during this COVID-19 catastrophic health emergency.

We thank you and your employees for your patience and understanding as we work diligently to serve the people of Maryland.
