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  • Maryland State Jobs
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Training Programs - Upper Shore American Job Centers

Chesapeake College - The College's Continuing Education and Workforce Training department specializes in meeting the training needs of employers throughout the region as well as providing lifelong learning opportunities for the general public. A wide range of courses to upgrade skills, develop new skills, or just for special interest are offered throughout the year at locations in Caroline, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne's and Talbot counties.

Caroline County American Job Center
P.O. Box 400, 300 Market Street, Suite 201
Denton, Maryland  21629
Telephone: 410-819-4549
Fax: 410-819-4503

Dorchester County American Job Center
416-418 Race Street
Cambridge, Maryland  21613
Telephone: 410-901-4250
Fax: (410) 221-1817

Kent County American Job Center
115A S. Lynchburg Street
Chestertown, MD 21620
Telephone: 410-778-3525
Fax: 410-778-3527
Parking - Limited, Fee - No

Queen Anne's County American Job Center
125 Comet Drive
Centreville, MD 21617
Telephone:  410-758-8044
Fax: 410-820-9966
Open on Tuesdays Only

Talbot County American Job Center
301 Bay Street, Suite 301
Easton, MD    21601
Telephone: 410-822-3030
Fax: 410-820-9966
TTY Number: 410-819-3610
Parking -Yes, Fee - No