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  • Maryland State Jobs
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Job Seeker Services - Workforce Development & Adult Learning

The Division of Workforce Development and Adult Learning (DWDAL) oversees the State's workforce programs to ensure that employers have the skilled workforce they need to compete in the global economy and jobseekers have the resources and support they need to secure and retain employment on a career pathway with family-sustaining wages.

American Job Centers

A network of 32 American Job Centers (AJCs) located across Maryland provide vital jobseeker and business services that support thriving local and regional economies. AJCs bring together DWDAL’s employment and training services with those of numerous other service programs to provide jobseekers with access to the employment, skills and credentialing, life management skills, and the supportive services they need to overcome barriers to employment. 

AJCs offer jobseekers internet access, computer labs, career exploration assistance, referrals to training programs, placement services, résumé preparation assistance, and workshops to enhance job search skills and work readiness. 

The Maryland Workforce Exchange (MWE)

In addition to the services available to jobseekers in brick and mortar AJCs, jobseekers can access a wealth of online services by enrolling in the MWE. Thousands of employers post their job openings on MWE and use the site to search for candidates. MWE  allows jobseekers to upload or build customized résumés, set up virtual recruiters, research labor market information, access free training, practice interviewing skills and much more!  MWE is available online and through a mobile app.

Jobseeker Programs

  • New Americans – The New Americans Initiative works to connect immigrants to employment and education services and support workforce system staff in serving this population. 

  • Returning Citizens– The Maryland Reentry Initiative assists individuals with criminal backgrounds by increasing their employability and providing equal opportunity and access to employment resources.

  • Veterans – The Veteran Services Program serves veterans through the state’s AJC network. Eligible veterans and their spouses receive the highest priority for access to services, including case management, referral to supportive services, and vocational guidance. 

  • Agricultural Workers – Assistance for individuals and businesses is available at the AJCs, such as bilingual services, career planning, and job search workshops and programs.

  • Individuals with Disabilities – A full range of employment services is available to applicants with disabilities.

  • Senior Community Services Employment Program (SCSEP) – SCSEP is available to job seekers, ages 55 and older, who are unemployed, meet established low-income guidelines and desire an opportunity for training and employment.

  • Youth Workforce Programs and Services – Maryland's Youth Employment Program is to guide youth to achieve personal goals and prepare for career paths through empowerment, education, and employment opportunities.

Find your nearest American Job Center and visit to explore all of the resources and services DWDAL staff offer to help you meet your career goals! And don’t forget to enroll in MWE!