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Maryland Business Works - Workforce Development and Adult Learning

Maryland Business Works Thank you for your interest in the Maryland Business Works program. The Maryland Department of Labor is not accepting new applications for this current fiscal year, as all budgeted funding has been obligated for the remainder of this fiscal year. Please continue to monitor this website for funding updates.

The Maryland Business Works Program…

  • Invests in Maryland Private Sector Businesses -- Private sector businesses with 500 employees or fewer that provide in-demand products or services.
  • Provides True Partnership with Businesses -- There is a dollar-to-dollar match requirement, and a $4,500 training cap funding level that may be awarded to a specific trainee for a project or series of projects. The minimum request per year cannot exceed $40,000.
  • Meets Businesses’ Training Needs -- The Program funds classroom-based training, in-house staff training, apprenticeships, and other opportunities for Maryland’s businesses as they create and foster their talent pipeline.

Get Started Now…

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Maryland Business Works (MBW) in the news: