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Sponsor Apprenticeship Incentive Reimbursement Program - Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Program (MATP)

One of the most beneficial parts of an Apprenticeship is the Related Instruction that apprentices receive in connection with their On-the-Job Learning. Providing Related Instruction, however, can sometimes be a financial barrier for employers and Apprenticeship sponsors.

The Sponsor Apprenticeship Incentive Reimbursement (SAIR) Program is a rolling grant program operated by the Maryland Department of Labor. SAIR provides reimbursements of up to $2,500 per Registered Apprentice against the cost of required Related Instruction. Reimbursement is capped at 10 Registered Apprentices per employer, per calendar year, and limited to newly registered apprentices.

Registered Apprenticeship sponsors may submit applications for reimbursement for newly registered apprentices by completing the form below.



SAIR Applications should be submitted in Excel format to:
Wayne Salter, MATP Grant Manager